Sunday, June 25, 2017

Woman Writing For Men - Blog

The following are very interesting blogs written by women from Western countries. They seem to espouse thoughts that Eastern countries have divested themselves of recently.

Just wowed by this blog postthis postthis one on division of labor in society. Girls and boys emote differently, Are all women gold diggers, A survival guide for men in couple's therapy are other lovely posts from the same site.

Can a woman really feel so much empathy for men and look at things so objectively? What caused it? Amazing.

Some lovely quotes from the site:
  • "The old saying “Anger turned inward is depression” rings true for far too many men. The process of anger morphing into depression can be referred to as sublimation, a swapping of a supposedly unacceptable emotion for a more acceptable one in the eyes of our PC [politically correct] culture. The end result of that process is often suicide, and the therapeutic industry is directly implicated for some of those suicides by reason of its suppression of male clients’ anger."... "While we can agree that some expressions of anger move beyond healthy expression and into the rage-zone, these incidents often come on the tail of being ignored, perhaps serially and over a long periods of time when a man is expressing anger within more normal ranges. " - A lovely quote from
  • "In fact what are the old demands of women’s roles?  Nurturing and caring, right? So just imagine for a moment putting women into a situation where they had to talk in ways that would show they were not nurturing and caring!  Would they have an easy time with that? "..."Therapy has evolved over the years to be friendly to women. Why?  Well, it’s pretty simple, women are the ones who come into therapy. Therapists will naturally move towards creating an environment that caters to and welcomes those who are showing up and paying!  This is one of the reasons that therapy is based on the more feminine ideas of who is relating to whom and who cares about whom.  This is the currency. This is what drives things.  In a more masculine environment the currency would more likely be who is governing whom or who is admiring or respecting whom.  These are very different spaces."..."Another problem that often surfaces is that of volume. Women have a very different threshold for determining when someone is yelling. Two men can be actively and politely arguing a point at what seems to them to be reasonable volumes but if that same tone and volume is used with their wives, she often claims he is yelling. This often frustrates the man no end.  He simply says, “I am not yelling.”  And in his mind this is the objective truth.  But remember when entering couples therapy your masculine rules and limits stop being applicable.  You have entered a more feminine space. The biggest danger of this dreaded “you are yelling” meme is that it is sometimes used when the man is making a very good point, a point that can’t be easily countered.  By claiming he is yelling the focus of the conversation shifts quickly and completely.  Now the focus is whether or not he yelled, and how hurt she is that he was yelling at her (remember the keyword is “caring”, a caring person wouldn’t yell).  Now the focus is off his point and instead centers on how hurt she is and his responsibility for it. This is a devastating development and leaves the man feeling ambushed, helpless and completely unheard. It also importantly lets her off the hook." from

Here is another ( lovely one by a Jewish woman.

Additional reading: 

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