Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A New Business Model - SNM

My friend Guruji has been an ardent fan of SM (Surrogate Motherhood). She helped me come up with this model for a viable business for what we call SNM (Surrogate Non Motherhood).

The service to our (female) customers is this:
  • Our branch closest to her sasuraal (marital home) will issue a certificate of pregnancy to the woman. It will not be necessary for the customer to be really pregnant.
  • The customer shows this certificate to husband/MIL/SIL (Sister in law) etc and immediately rushes to mayke (literally her "mom's (house)").
  • Optionally we can also book tickets for the woman and escort her to mayke.
  • At mayke, the local branch there will take over and fake a Miscarriage.
  • That branch (at Mayke) will issue a miscarriage certificate which will strongly recommend that the woman needs complete rest (and preferably lots of chocolate / caramel / dry fruits / any other expensive stuff) to recover.
  • A copy of that certificate will be hand delivered to sasuraal, after getting the customer's approval.
  • The woman is happy.
All this will be provided by us for a very nominal fee. This service is designed to appeal to the modern, well to do women who are stressed out and need a change.

But the really well paying customer is actually the husband who gets in touch with us requesting us to provide this service to his wife. Discretely, without her knowledge of his involvement (because HE is stressed out and wants a change).

1 comment:

  1. rolling on the floor literally and gritting my teeth as well!!


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