Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Dream Trip

I read this article (http://gulfnews.com/life-style/travel/the-long-journey-from-england-to-mongolia-1.759624) today. Someone drove from Southern England to Ulaan Bator (Capital of Mongolia).

Mongolia is the place where Genghis Khan was born. And it is a country that is RARELY ever in the news (perhaps even more "secretive" than Albania). You would never hear about it, though it is a very large country sandwiched between Siberian Russia and China.

Its been my dream to travel from China to Europe, crossing the umpteen erstwhile Russian countries (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus) and see how the landscape, the features of the people, the weather etc change as you go west from Asia. 

The people in the article (see link above) did not take my route. They have taken a more southerly route touching Turkey, Middle East. I wish their article (travelog) didn't end so abruptly after Kazakhstan.

My preference would have been a more northerly route that I have mentioned above. Boy, won't I love to make this trip (assuming there is someone who knows how to drive, fix the tyres etc).

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