Monday, March 21, 2011


I was reading an article ( today. That Sachin Tendulakar had nicked the ball and was caught in a World Cup Cricket match recently. But the umpire didn't catch it and apparently it was difficult to pick it up even in a TV replay. But the man didn't wait to be given out.

Now Sachin would have been on his way to breaking a few more records. But he didn't wait to be given out. He walked.

Sachin is not the first person to walk. In the 1970's and 80's, Indian batsmen Gavaskar and Vishwanath used to do it. What is it with some Indians? They have amazing integrity. For them cricket was not about winning to the sole exclusion of everything else. Those were the times when there were no TV replays, no 3rd umpire and the umpires belonged to the host nation and hence sometimes partisan.

I am reminded of an anecdote. A batsman (from the host team) was clean bowled in an international match. The bowler kept appealing to the umpire "Hozzzaaattt". The umpire irritatedly told the bowler, "Of course I know he (the batsman is bowled). Why do you keep appealing?". The bowler replied "I know he is bowled. but i want to know if he is OUT". This was taking a dig at the integrity of the umpire.

Coming back to walking, cricketers from some countries were known for their tendency to stick around instead of walking. For example, Australians were famous for it. Even a couple of days earlier, Pointing apparently stood his ground despite knowing that he was out. 

Why do these Pointings do such a thing? Well for them the end (winning) is more important than the means (how did I win).

For the Tendulkars and Gavaskars the means is as important as the end. Indian philosophy is all about means being the only end. There is no separate end.

1 comment:

  1. hey dont indianise this.. Or categorize the rest of the world (austrailians). It just happens sometimes that some handful make a bad name for their country.
    Apart from just this incident, what kind of integrity do Indians really have? Go back to your own previous blog, for answers..


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