Monday, March 7, 2011

Mobile Politics

I have never voted in my life. I am pretty sure people may object to it. That I am not exercising my franchise. But you know, when we vote it's because we 
  1. Like that choice 
  2. We believe that one option is better than all the others
In the place I live in, a gentleman and a lady have been the heads of state for about 20 years now. When the lady was in power, the atrocities she committed were too painful. With the result that in the ensuing election, the entire population voted for the gentleman. Now the gentleman's track record has been such that the people seem to "long" to get the lady back.

Note that I use the words lady and gentleman rather loosely. These words would definitely not describe either of them.

Now the point is, if we are forced, we can find someone who is best among the pack (of rascals). Point number 2 above can be satisfied. What about point number 1? Would we like that choice? Well, aaah, uhmmm, perhaps not. That is where the issue is. Suffrage (or franchise) is not just about choosing the best of the pack but it's also about liking that choice. 

And what does an average man like me do, when he doesn't like any of the choices (though he may be able to identify the best among the various options available)? Well he abstains. He says "to hell with you. I aint voting".

Recently when 3G and MNP were announced (see, I was looking forward to some bargain picking. I thought competition would drive up features and quality and drive down prices. Boy when I look at each of the mobile operators, I am amazed. I probably can find the best among them. But do I LIKE any of them? It is same like in politics.

Could this be the reason mobile and politics are so connected (here in India)?

1 comment:

  1. Very nice and interesting post. Well explained too.


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