Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tweeting And Marketing

I was talking to a friend of mine who was thinking perhaps she should advertise her product (a software tool) on social networks. 

I was a little surprised. Advertise on social networks? Like Facebook? Twitter?

Twitter seems like senseless chatter, Facebook equally so.

Tweets especially and even stuff on FB seem juvenile. Could people really be reading this stuff? What purpose do these networking sites serve? 

And finally, is social networking the right place to market your product? Is it among this mindless chatter that we expect someone to understand and purchase a software product? I am told that this is a trend these days.

Am I awfully off base here?


  1. For your information, i have come across various friends who market their products on fb. They create a page which has all info about the company and all its products. The moment you like the page, every new product launched is displayed on your wall.
    Believe it or not, it is the IN thing to do, but does it really bring in business, apart from spreading info, i dont know.
    Whatever the result, one thing is for sure, facebook has all the makings to spread news/info like wildfire!

  2. After reading your comment I have been reading up on advertising on social networks. Few links are here:, (I have to read this again to make sense of this study by Nielsen)

  3. One more interesting link on this subject:


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