Sunday, April 24, 2011

Kiddo Goes Shopping

My friend Kiddo (refer, for more details) is one of those smart modern women who knows exactly what they want. She wanted a phone. She had got the specifications right.

It had to be white. It had to be light. Not exceeding 110gm. And no touchscreen. And preferably a Sony Ericsson. And of course radiation had to be low. Not like some of those Samsung / Motorola models which have high radiation levels. (I mentioned to her that a white one is prone to get dirty. She told me that should would wash the phone often and said something about whites and coloreds having to be washed separately. I didn't quite understand what she said but let it go.)

So she browsed various phones, shopped for prices online, offline.

She checked with a few friends.

And then she went out with a vengeance.

She came back with an Apple IPAD which weighs 543gm, grey color, about 10" (250mm length) with a lovely touch screen interface.

I asked her whether the IPAD met the specifications that she had drawn up earlier.

She replied acidly "In life you gotta be flexible and not be rooted to what you originally thought. Only idiots are inflexible."

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