Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Friend Caught In a Strange Place

After a long time my friend decided that she needed to get reacquainted with the kitchen. Consider that her in laws were planning to visit she didn't want to be caught not knowing the difference between the stove and the belan.

She planned out the dishes nicely:
1. Pasta
2. Dal (we all know how well pasta goes with dal)
3. Egg salad (and we know how egg salad and dal go well together)

and as she was busy multi-tasking a rather unfortunate thing happened. Moong dal became black dal.

Pasta also kind of became rock solid. You could have played baseball with it.

The salad turned out really nice. It was incidental that it involved no cooking.

Well she did the one thing that any person would have done. Euthanasia, mercy killing of the dishes. They were gently flushed..

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