Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pilot License

I read this ( article about a an aviation school that was awarded a license to train pilots.

The article alleges that the person in charge of awarding licenses gave the school the license in gross violation of rules (the school didn't have a hangar or an airplane) and a month later his daughter joined the school and got her pilot license from the same school.

How does a person do this? It is common for a parent to have a strong desire to help the children. But to what extent should you go? When there is a conflict between desire and ethics / morality where do you draw a line?

Would the parent travel in a plane that the child flies? How safe is it for the child to pilot a plane? What about other travelers?

Perhaps "We will cross the flight when we come to it" is how we delude ourself. We pray that our child will become a good pilot by god's grace.

What an awful set of principles some people live by.

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