Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Grunt And Gunshot

My friend recently informed that her husband got transferred to a different city far away.

I immediately asked her to give me a list of things she is scared of now that she would be living alone.

She looked at me fondly and said "you are so worried about me, you want to ensure nothing happens to me".

I am honest. I told her I wanted to ensure that all the things she is scared of happen to her. And I told her I was in a hurry, would she please make the list and give it to me ASAP.

Here I have to pause for a moment to recall exactly what her response was. It wasn't a Yes. Nor was it a No. It was a cross between a grunt and a gunshot. And sound seemed to emanate from her ear, nose and throat.

I still can't figure out whether her answer was yes or no.

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