Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Other Toilet

1 comment:

  1. This story cracked me up. I'm old enough that I didn't grow up with cell phones and, though I see how they can be useful at times, I don't understand why people talk on them constantly -- anywhere.

    When I grew up, people who walked around with their heads cocking talking to someone not there were considered crazy. Now they're typical.

    I'm a man, and at my old day job the manager and both supervisors were female, so my male co-workers would "escape" into the Men's Room to make phone calls where the female bosses would not see them.

    I'd go in and find the stall occupied with a coworker talking on the phone. One time the man was telling someone how much he missed her - but the man is married so it couldn't have been his wife.

    I wasn't his boss, but I didn't want to hear his personal business!


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