Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Two Faces

Its official now. Mr MK (the chief minister around here) has denied that he has anything to do with Sun TV or Kalaignar TV or 2G or even anything to do with his children or his wife.

What I love about him (and others like him) is the way he shows empathy. The statement "God is in the happy smile of a poor man" is often said around here. And he has arranged for color TV's to be sold for about $60 each and rice to be sold at 4 cents a kg. And land given free. All to poor people.

Now the question is: whose land did he give? Who paid for the subsidy of rice and TV. Did he pay out of his pocket?

He is alleged to have been deeply involved in kickbacks of various kinds amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars. The recent scam is the telecom 2G that he and his family are rumored to be involved in.

Its interesting to see a ruthless mind and heart with a facade of an angelic face.

I am reminded of a scene in the novel Godfather by Mario Puzo. Michael's wife asks him if he did have his own sister's husband murdered. Michael denies it firmly while at the same time his people are out on his explicit instruction to murder Tattaglia and other family heads.

I wonder if our man isn't doing the same. Who Knows.

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