Monday, February 7, 2011

Men Have Commitment Phobias

Every time I come across a cliche, I think of reasons why it may not be true. And when I hear someone disprove a cliche, I get excited. And so it was when I came across an article (link doesn't work now) that said men commit faster than women.

It isn't that I don't like our behavior to be modeled and predictable. I do. (A cliche is basically a model of our behavior or of how life is). But I don't like wrong modeling. What I am really curious about is: do really men commit faster than women? Is this data in the link correct ? And applicable across countries? 

1 comment:

  1. We've known for a long time that we're seeing growing economic equality between the sexes, but it was surprising to me that men are adopting some of the attitudes that we've long attributed to women, and women are adopting the attitudes that we've long attributed to men," goes to prove that the real men and women are gone forever...


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