Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pakistan's Stance Now - Osama Bin Laden

Continuing on from the previous post (http://calmisc.blogspot.com/2011/05/obama-ten-billion-laden.html) on the killing of Osama Bin Laden, the whole world is asking one question.

How come this man was hiding so near the Pakistani capital and almost right next door to the officer training camp? Was Pakistan aware of this?

Right now our neighbors are still trying to decide whether to show relief or anger that Bin Laden was killed. 

I am reminded of an old Tamil saying which goes like this "Like a thief stung by a scorpion". The thief cant even cry out aloud. What a pain it must be. Can they seriously question USA as to why USA mounted this operation and killed a person (Osama) on Pakistani soil?

A comical detective character from Tamil fiction also comes to mind "Thuppariyum Chambu" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thuppariyum_Sambu). This was a man who invariably found whodunnit but he was a nitwit. He would not even realize that he had (accidentally) solved a problem until someone congratulated him.

When I see the events in Abbottabad, I wonder how Pakistan will react. Are they going to say "NO NO, we never knew Bin laden was right here" or are they going to take credit for doing a splendid job of taking Bin Laden out? Like Thuppariyum Chambu.

Or would it be a case of "Osama wasn't the one who was involved with 9/11. If it was Osama, then the person found (and killed) in Abbottabad was not Osama. If it was Osama that was found there, then Abbottabad is not in Pakistan." and so on.

Let's wait and watch. There is a lot of fun on Showtime this May.

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