Thursday, May 5, 2011

O Sama

I read this ( today. There are feelings that Pakistani officials were either "involved or incompetent" in this affair. This was only to be expected.

While the outrage at the violation of its sovereignty that Pakistan has is valid, USA could do this because a trump card up their sleeve. How come Pakistan wasn't aware that the most wanted criminal was living right there, so close to the capital? Who in Pakistan was in cahoots with Bin Laden? Who else are they hiding? These questions would be asked endlessly.

Unfortunately there are two issues. 
  1. Pakistan has been harboring terrorists and perhaps actively encouraging them as well as in the case of incidents in Kashmir as I myself have heard from local people in Kashmir or the the 28/11 incident (
  2. USA has been no less active in the participation of war. Except that they conduct it for economic reasons and not for idealogical ones as in the case of Muslims.
But then reasons notwithstanding, is war right?

I can't help but notice one more thing. The wives of both Bin Laden and of the ex-president Bill Clinton stood by (or in front of) their husbands when the respective husbands were in big trouble.

Additional reading:

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