Monday, September 30, 2019
"The biological clues attached to pedophilia demonstrate that its roots are prenatal,” said James Cantor, director of the Toronto Sexuality Center. “These are not genetic; they can be traced to specific periods of development in the womb.” "
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Additional reading
A strong grip? Push-ups? What actually can help you live to a ripe old age. - "Research has identified chronic stresses that can provoke harmful biological changes, including living in poverty, caregiving for a dying spouse, losing a loved one, suffering post-traumatic stress disorder, and experiencing prejudice.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Friday, September 27, 2019
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Heroic Keyser
Christine Blasey Ford Vs Kavannaugh
Leland Keyser is the true hero of the Kavanaugh saga
Leland Keyser is the true hero of the Kavanaugh saga
Shouldn't Be Captured - Cartoon
"“He’s not a war hero,” Trump said of McCain, who had been shot down while serving as a pilot in the Vietnam War and then held as a prisoner for more than five years. “He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
How Trump retrofits wild claims into policy priorities
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Judge A Book By Cover
Never judge a book from its cover...... a lovely poem shared from WA...
The topper of the class,
is a happy homemaker.
Back bencher of the lot,
Is an entrepreneur.
The flambuoyant fashionista,
Became a dreaded lawyer.
Often ignored e Joe,
turned a well known writer.
The one who failed in math paper,
is a fashion designer.
And one who often got to stand outside the class,
is a respected Army officer.
The reunion tought me how,
People come with many layers,
And told me why we should never
Judge a book by its cover…..
Each child out there has a different success story!!
Robert Mugabe
Robert Mugabe was a tyrant, and dictator of ZIMBABWE who had to be separated from the presidency screaming and kicking. He died last week at the age of 95. He messed up the Zimbabwe economy but had a great sense of humor.
Here is a collection for you to enjoy
1) "When your clothes are made of cassava leaves, you don’t take a goat as a friend."
2) "If you are ugly, you are ugly. Stop talking about inner beauty because men don’t walk around with X-ray machines to see inner beauty."
3) "When one’s goat gets missing, the aroma of a neighbor's soup gets suspicious."
4) "Treat every part of your towel nicely because the part that wipes your buttocks today will wipe your face tomorrow."
5) "Sometimes you look back at girls you spent money on, rather than send it to your mum, and you realize witchcraft is real."
6) "If President Barack Obama wants me to allow marriage for same-sex couples in my country (Zimbabwe), he must come here so that I marry him first."
7) "What is the problem with deporting white men from Africa? We now have aeroplanes which can take them back quicker than the ships used by their ancestors."
8) "Cigarette is a pinch of tobacco rolled in a piece of paper with fire on one end and a fool on the other end."
9) Interviewer: "Mr President, when are you bidding the people of Zimbabwe farewell?"
Robert Mugabe: "Where are they going?"
AND FINALLY the 'piece de resistance'
10) "If I am given a chance to travel through time, I will go back to 1946, find Donald Trump's father and give him a condom."
Chickpet, Bangalore is known as the business hub of Bangalore City with more than 1000 shops in the locality.This place is always crowed as people throng to buy clothes, furniture, toys etc. at a wholesale price.Yesterday, I had been there as part of my educational research to talk to a few shop keepers to understand how they do business and what education has to do to them, with regards to their business.During my interaction with many shop keepers in Chickpet, I found that, most of them were from Rajasthan.One more interesting thing that I found was that, most of them were in their teenage.Out of all, meeting a young 10th dropout who runs a clothes shop, was very interesting.His name is Bramhadev, from Rajasthan. I thought I should share a few our discussions here.I went into the crowded shop as a customer, he greeted me with a great smile saying, "Anna banni, en bekithu". (Meaning : Brother, what do you want) (The conversation was in Kannada. I have translated it below)Me : I wanted to check for some nice shirt and pant piece.Bramhadev : Tell me Sir, what is the range you are looking for ?Me : You first show me all the clothes, let me choose out of those.Bramhadev : Sure sir and started showing me all his collections. (Meanwhile during the selection time, I thought I should ask him a few questions, which was my only intention)Me : How did you learn Kannada ?Bramhadev : Sir, obviously by talking to people.Me : But, your Kannada is very fluent !Bramhadev : Sir, initially I found it difficult, but, when I continued to speak to customers, I learnt it on the fly. Now, I speak better than Bangalore Kanndigas.Me : Superb. When did you start this business ?Bramhadev : It’s almost 10 years now. I started it when I failed in my 10th. My uncle got me into this business.Me : How many languages can you speak ?Brahmadev : I can speak, Hindi, English, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu & Malayalam.Me : Oh my God ! How did you learn so many ?Brahmadev : I told you Sir, Customers taught me.Me : Sorry to ask you, but still out of curiosity, I just wanted to know what would be your monthly turnover ?Brahmadev : Ummmm, it depends on the festival season. Normally, the turnover would be around 8 - 9 lakhs per month, and during festivals it will shoot up to 15 lakhs. Profit upto Rs. 4 lakh per month.Me : What ? Oh my God ! That’s a super number ! Great, man !Brahmadev : What great Sir ? In Chickpet, this is very less. Others make double than what I do.Me : Didn't you feel like completing your education, by studying further ?Brahmadev : Sir, to be honest, none of our family members have completed their education. To complete my education it might take another 5 - 6 years which I feel is a big waste of time and money. I invested both of these, in my business. Today, I can challenge that not even n one of the educated persons with a work experience of 10 years experience will earn as much as I do. What do you say Sir ?Me : Hmmm....Yes. True. But still, education would have helped you grow more than what you are earning today.Brahmadev : Seriously No Sir. Education would give us fear and make us feel that, one has to work under someone to earn their livelihood. Education does not teach us to live independently. I also have many friends who studied along with me and completed graduation. None are into business. Almost all of them are working in some private firm.Me : Hmmmm....So you don't regret to have not completed Ur education ?Bramhadev : Definitely No Sir. I am very happy. (In between our conversation, another customer had purchased around 20 pairs of shirts and pants and few sarees. Without using a calculator Bramhadev calculated the total cost of the purchase and told the customer the total cost including 10% discount in just 15 - 20 seconds).Me : Boss, you don't even use a calculator ?Bramhadev : Sir, educated people need the calculator and mobile phones, to calculate. Not me !Me : Started smiling and put my head down (because I was using a calculator to calculate the cost of my purchase).Bramhadev : I continuously practiced calculating. I am doing this since 10 years and I have become perfect. I am sure, I will never err in my calculation.After this, I made a purchase and the whole of the next whole day, I was thinking about our conversation over and over. I would like to infer what I learnt....After thought or moral of the story :1. Without higher education, Bramhadev is not jobless. Whereas our today's graduates with distinction, are still in search of a job.2. Without higher education, Bramhadev has good communication skills. But, today's corporate world complains about our graduates for having no communication skills.3. Without higher education, Bramhadev earns in lakhs, where as our current generation graduates complains of not having enough salary to pay their EMIs.4. Without higher education, Bramhadev's mathematical mind works faster than today's graduates who has cleared different levels of mathematics papers with high scores. Today's graduates need Mobile Phones to perform simple calculations.5. Without higher education, Bramhadev has no fear of losing his job, but today's graduate employees are always in the fear of getting fired from the company they are working in.Now, thinking aloud………………How does higher education help one ?
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Spinoza And God
Apparently, when Einstein attended some conferences in the numerous universities of the USA, the recurring question that the students asked him was:
*- Do you believe in God?*
And he always answered:
*- I believe in the God of Spinoza.*
For the ones who haven't read Spinoza
hope this shall give them an idea:
Baruch De Spinoza was a Dutch philosopher, of Portuguese Jewish origin, considered one of the great rationalists of his time along with the French philosopher Rene Descartes. Spinoza was born in Amsterdam in the 17th century of a businessman father who was successful but not wealthy.
*This follows from the nature of the God of Spinoza:*
*God would have said:-*
"Stop praying and giving yourselves blows on your chests, what I want you to do is to go out into the world to enjoy your life.
I want you to enjoy, you sing, have fun and enjoy everything I've done for you.
Stop going to those gloomy, dark and cold temples that you built yourself and that you call my home.
My house is in the mountains, in the forests, the rivers, the lakes, the beaches. That's where I live and express all my love for you.
Stop blaming me for your miserable life; I never told you that you were a sinner.
Stop being so scared. I do not judge you, nor criticize you, nor ever is angry with you, nothing bothers me, nor do I devise punishment. I am pure love.
Stop asking me forgiveness, there's nothing to forgive. If I made you... I filled you with passions, limitations, pleasures, feelings, needs, inconsistencies... of free will, how can I blame you if you do or say something out of that what I put in you? How can I punish you for being as you are, if I'm the one who made you? Do you think I could create a place to burn all my children who misbehave, for the rest of eternity?
What kind of God can do that?
Forget about any kind of commandments, of any kind of laws; those are wiles to manipulate you, to control you and only to create guilt in you.
Respect your peers and don't do to others what you don't want for you. The only thing I ask is that you pay attention in your life, that your alert status is your guide. This life is the only thing there is, here and now and the only thing you need.
I have made you absolutely free, there are no prizes or punishments, there are no sins or virtues, no one carries a marker, no one carries a record.
You are absolutely free to create in your life a heaven or hell.
I couldn't tell you if there's anything after this life, but I can give you a tip. Live as if there wasn't.
As if this was your only chance to enjoy, to love, to exist.
So, if there is nothing, then you will have enjoyed the opportunity I gave you. And if there is, be sure that I will not ask you if you behaved well or not, I will ask you. Did you like it?... did you have fun ?..What did you enjoy the most? What did you learn?...
Stop believing in me; believe is to assume, guess, imagine. I don't want you to believe in me, I want you to feel me when you kiss your beloved, when you play with your little girl, when you love your dog, when you bathe in the sea.
Stop praising me. What kind of egotistical God do you think I am?
I'm bored of your praise, I'm fed up with thanks . Do you feel grateful? Prove it taking care of yourself, your health, your relationships, the world around you. Do you feel overwhelmed?... Express your joy! That's the way to praise me.
The only thing sure is that you are here, that you are alive, that this world is full of wonders.
What do you need more miracles for?
Why so many explanations?
Don't look for me outside, you won't find me. Find me inside... there I'm beating in you."
*Baruch De Spinoza*
Monday, September 9, 2019
Maps Don't Lie - "Trump doesn’t see the truth as rigid, absolute and unassailable. For Trump, truth is like Play-Doh: You can shape it however you want, squash it, or ignore it all together. It is a thing to be toyed with."
Friday, September 6, 2019
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Can Pakistan Approach ICJ To Resolve Kashmir Issue With India
Nice article:
Additional reading: - nice article
Additional reading: - nice article
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