Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Solution For Safety Issue For Women In Delhi

Taking the leaf out of the book written by an old school mate...

Here is the solution:

Women travel on odd days and men on even days. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Sequels Make Less Money Than The Originals And Other Animals

As per the link above, sequels make more money than other films in a given year despite making less money than the originals because the originals were themselves superhits.

A nice article on Big Data:  https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-ghost-code-machine-predictive-power-big-data-analytics-prasad

What makes you likeable: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/silly-things-you-do-make-less-likeable-dr-travis-bradberry?trk=eml-b2_content_ecosystem_digest-recommended_articles-61-null&midToken=AQFGTBkk8hSJtQ&fromEmail=fromEmail&ut=22pjUCHXuZE7c1

What not to do while recruiting great people: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-mistakes-ruining-your-chances-hiring-great-senior-software-yasin?trk=eml-b2_content_ecosystem_digest-recommended_articles-79-null&midToken=AQFGTBkk8hSJtQ&fromEmail=fromEmail&ut=1NUOoMdCGZE7c1

Read also this: https://medium.com/swlh/the-one-method-to-eliminate-bad-tech-hires-630d539b2e1d#.sgs5fz3cj
Quote from https://medium.com/javascript-scene/assessing-employee-performance-1a8bdee45c1a#.q05lu28tc: "The best way to be a 10x developer is to help 5 other developers be 2x developers. Ironically, the best way to get fired for underperformance is to be a 10x developer." 
Merits of killing a good idea: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/secrets-x-formerly-googlex-part-1-peter-diamandis?trk=eml-b2_content_ecosystem_digest-recommended_articles-85-null&midToken=AQFGTBkk8hSJtQ&fromEmail=fromEmail&ut=1NAN9nbOCZE7c1 : Very interesting article.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wow - KGP

Here is an app developed by young guys from IIT Kharagpur and NIT to find alternate routes (from earlier or later station on the same route) for getting confirmed tickets (this is the way I understood) - there is no web version. http://www.bgr.in/news/ticket-jugaad-app-developed-by-iit-student-to-solve-your-trains-wait-list-woes-2/

Maybe they could also check other routes in their app - for example if I am traveling from Chennai to Delhi and there are no confirmed tickets available, then try Bangalore to Delhi

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

Dance To The Heart's Tune

"actually what works between partners is not a contract... a contract is what you have between an employer and employee. With humans what one has is love and affection and respect and trust. When that is gone no contract can help. There can not be a formula to predict success in human relationships."

Friday, April 8, 2016

Now That IS A BTSA

I had earlier commented in passing about Sydney Sheldon's novel Tell Me Your Dreams..

What follows is an excerpt from the same novel - a conversation between a young married couple in love with each other. The husband, David, is a corporate lawyer working in a prestigious law firm where he expects to be made a partner within a day or so. Being made partner would mean higher salary and being able to buy the dream house that they have identified and decorate the house the way they had planned. The lawyer is asked by Dr Patterson to represent the latter's daughter Asheley who is accused of serial murder. The doctor had many years earlier operated on the lawyer's mother when she had a serious medical problem - the lawyer was penniless and a student then and all other doctors had given up hope. Kincaid, a senior partner in the legal firm, where the lawyer works has made it clear to the David that the firm does not want to be tarnished by the negative publicity of the defendant's case where she is accused of three murders. The firm does not want the lawyer to take up this case. The lawyer is in a dilemma.

Now read on...

When he spoke David said, "I have a choice. I can say no to Dr Patterson and become a partner in the firm, or I can defend his daughter and probably go on unpaid leave, and see what happens afterward." 
Sandra was listening patiently.
"There are people much better qualified to handle Ashley's case, but for some damn reason, her father won't hear of anyone else. If I take the case and I don't get partnership, we'll have to forget about moving. We'll have to forget a lot of our plans. Sandra. "
Sandra said softly, "I remember before we were married, you told me about him. He was one of the busiest doctors in the world, but he found time to help a penniless college going boy. He was your hero, David. You said that if we ever had a son, you would want him to grow up to be like Steven Patterson."
David nodded.
"When do you have to decide?"
"I'm seeing Kincaid first thing in the morning. "
Sandra took his hand and said, "you don't need that much time. Dr Patterson saved your mother. You're going to save his daughter." She looked around and smiled. "Anyway, we can do this apartment over in blue and white."

Emotional Slavery

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Gatimaan Express - India's SNCF

Gatimaan express was inaugurated today. It has a top speed of 160kmph and takes 100mins to travel 188km from Nizamuddin (New Delhi) to Agra. Apparently few more such trains are planned to be introduced mostly in the North, West and Central India.

I go back to the time when I was in school more than 30 years back when I had seen pictures of SNCF which used to travel faster than 160kmph even then. 

We, in India, aren't exactly setting a scorching pace.

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