Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What's In A Name - Plenty - Medical Colleges

Accoring to the article there are private colleges in Punjab, Haryana and Himachal where teachers draw their salary but do not teach, since they are busy with their other interests. Apparently one of such colleges is Maharishi Markandeshwar University. 

Ain't it nice - choosing such a lovely name? Who would think anything wrong in a college with such a name?

Children Mimic Us

Monday, March 16, 2015

Stalk Yourself

What Women Want

What's In A Name? Plenty

A friend of mine asked her 5 year old daughter whether she (daughter) would like her name to be changed to Amelia. She  thought for a minute  and then asked her mother how that new name was spelled. My friend told her the spelling.

The daughter tried to memorize it.. And found it a little problematic to learn her new name. . So she said.. "Pls.. Dont change my name." 

The daughter probably didn't want to learn a new spelling.

I suggested another name "Aleks Niranjan". Now even the mother didn't like this name. She refused to discuss this name with her daughter.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


What causes a person to feel excessive guilt:

Difference Between Moon And Venus

A quote from this article:
"Feelings (the Moon) are a fundamental expression of your most personal inner human nature, which you cannot entirely stop but you can choose how to respond. Committed love relationships (Venus) are about the choices you make ― possibly arising out of your feelings and passions, or perhaps based more on your values and priorities."

Pregnant Teachers Wont Be Recruited Nor Paid Salary

I read this article today about Haryana Government's stance on pregnant teachers that teachers who are more than 3 months pregnant will not be recruited until after their confinement is over. The government believes that such teachers go on medical leave immediately after joining and hence students lose out or perhaps that other teachers have to be found.

Some people protested that this is a discrimination against women. Their belief is that it's a woman's right to have maternity leave and a woman has a baby not only for herself but for her entire family.

Now the question is: who is right? Is there a solution which can address both points of view?

Friday, March 6, 2015

List Of Powerful Women - India

MBTI - Intercultural Differences

SF And NF Difference And ENFP

I have been digging to find the difference between NF and SF (MBTI) differences. This is a nice article on the same.

Additional reading:

Not Bad - It's Better To Lease A Rolls Royce Than To Buy It In USA

As per the article, a Rolls Royce (Phantom costing $500k) loses 30% of it's value in the first two years and a 5 year lease costs 30k upfront and $2700 per month.

As I had mentioned in an earlier post, it might be even cheaper and sensible to rent a Roll's Royce by the hour or day.

Dad's Good Advice And Abraham Lincon's Axe

Assert Or Discern - Job Interview

Muslim Pilot

Personal Laws And Muslims (and Catholics)

Getting religion to have an active say in the civil do's and dont's is perrilous. Good that we are heading in the right direction. http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Madurai/muslims-cannot-rely-on-personal-law-to-marry-off-minor-girls-court/article6965013.ece

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Feedback On Ayn Rand

Right Seating Position

What Makes A Great Product

Matrimonial Profile

A friend showed me this profile..

I am reminded of the time when a friend created a matrimonial profile for her son. And it seemed like any other profile - very blandly written. 6' tall, engineer, god fearing, earning so much, vegetarian etc.. 

I insisted that she write specifics about what her son is and is not and also the specifics about the girl he expects. What she should be and shouldn't be. Otherwise the profile statements sound like examples of Forer effect.

And here I saw this profile and I thought, wah. A start.

And a good review of Drishyam in the same site. 

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