Sunday, June 23, 2013

Misc Articles On Character

Beautiful Poem About Growing Older

What Is Necessary To Realize Your Dreams?

Men - Poor Choices

Girls In IIT

Sons In Law In Politics In India

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Misc Articles

Women and Charitability: Women are more focused on whom they give to.

Advice to women on Women's Day: See the comments by Snigdha and G Pillai. There are some thoughts I have. Our (men and women) behavior is conditioned by what we see at our home and in the society around us. Why does a women fake? Why do women judge each other much more harshly? Why does the bride's family pay dowry? Why do women feel that their career is less important than that of their brother's or husband's? Why do a majority of women take up arts and sciences, journalism etc than engineering? Why are men who don't have a good job judged much more harshly than woman who don't?

I wish men could take a sabbatical for a year and become a woman and vice versa. It would make men understand what it is to be a woman (and vice versa). Perhaps then we would have better quality of articles or advice from men to women and vice versa. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Videos To Watch

Wardrobe Malfunctions? Or Functions?

Are these really big issues?

"Covering her modesty"? If people were modest would they go out in such "risky" dresses?

Upset Stomach?

History Of Sudoku

Sunday, February 17, 2013

When You Love More

What happens when you love more? Here is a very nice article

Converting D To C

Of late I have been constantly thinking about converting D to C. Here is a live example of a two and a half year old D (in behavior) child converted to B (not even C) by an older cousin.

Very cute.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Interesting Division Of India

This is an article relating to the Delhi rape.

I don't see how India still regulates twos (do we still have license Raj). Many families are twos (entrepreneurs) not a three. Meaning the article seems to imply that all twos are Tatas and Ambanis and the like.

The rape victim was a three. Was the perpetrator a three? Or a four? Who commits rapes? Largely are they from the fours? Or are they from threes also? The article instead of looking at it from a male bashing point of view, sees a different perspective, perhaps a more important one.

Career Myths

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