A friend gave me this link (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2043165/Russias-Royev-Ruchey-Zoos-rare-baby-Amur-tiger-looks-impressed.html#ixzz1ZLTdgv2t). Wonderful.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Murphy's Laws: Additional Reading
Addendum to Murphy's laws (http://www.funtoosh.com/jokes/personality/1396).
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sari And Hilton
Paris Hilton in a sari, (http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/Photo_gallery/paris_hilton_saree_100711103530.jpg/). She has not draped herself well in this. It looks like someone wrapped a cloth on a box.
See this one for elegance http://www.luxurylaunches.com/entry_images/0911/23/Paris-Hilton-Swarovski-studded-sari.jpg?maxX=550&maxY=265.
This picture
(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjFzSa9RdOx1QfpxuepYTvGlbMn_THpR_Itj3ocYjCoNisa42qy2UEPog44puoaqYR78iOxSdVx8BtEXCWpFU0yW5dMgmAIfgOpLuhFdivDGISq6bRI_yQmnLlJ_omHVLaXeO3IwcUMv17Y/) shows how a sari is worn.
This is a photo of Indian women in some dress (http://epaper.timesofindia.com/Default/Scripting/ArticleWin.asp?From=Archive&Source=Page&Skin=TOINEW&BaseHref=TOICH/2011/09/27&PageLabel=23&EntityId=Pc02313&ViewMode=HTML). I am still trying to figure out what it is. I supposed the Indian women would refer to what they are wearing as being ethnic and chic. Eeeeeek.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Insurance For Railways
This is a nice editorial on insurance for Indian railways http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/editorial/article2476769.ece?homepage=true.
Advance In Travel
Heathrow airport is going places http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/industry-and-economy/article2476772.ece.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Kidnap And Ransom
A friend gave this to me (Unfortunately I couldn't find the link to this and this cannot be translated to English)
"Child prayed to God, and asked for a cycle but he never got it. Next day he stole the statue of Ganesha and wrote a letter to God Shanker " AGAR BACCHA CHAIYE TO CYCLE LEKE HUNUMAN MANDIR AA JAO"
Absolutely hilarious.
Trade Friendlines - India And China
This is a very interesting article (http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/article2453347.ece?homepage=true) on the comparison of India and China on their trade friendliness.
Doctor's Advice On Being Medically Fit
For those of us fitness freaks, here (http://www.medijokes.com/doctor-advice.php) is a spot of good advice. I received this article today and I am still laughing.
Animals Sense Earthquakes
Animals and birds apparently sense earthquakes, before they happen. This is a good article (http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/features/article2453333.ece).
North End Boys and The South End Girls
A friend of mine sent me this blog post. The post is very well written. http://raagshahana.blogspot.com/2011/09/open-letter-to-delhi-boy.html. This is a rant by a South Indian girl on north Indians. And one of the best rants I have come across.
A Romantic Quote
A friend mentioned this quote to me the other day.
Unless It's Mad, Passionate, Extraordinary Love, It's a Waste of your time. There are too many MEDIOCRE things in life......LOVE shouldn't be one of them
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Reasons Not To Marry
This (http://idiva.com/photogallery-relationships/why-marriage-is-not-for-you/7620/2) gives a good set of reasons not to marry for a woman.
Pakistan Post 9/11
This article (http://m.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/article2450485.ece/?maneref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fm%3Fhl%3Den%26gl%3Dus%26client%3Dms-android-fih%26source%3Dandroid-launcher-widget%26action%3Ddevloc%26q%3Dpakistan%2527s%2Bghosts%2Bof%2B9%252F11%2Bhindu) showed a very interesting and an almost touching side of Pakistan with respect to the events post 9/11.
Nice read.
New York Times is coming out with an India specific edition (http://www.medianama.com/2011/09/223-new-york-times-india-ink/) and I as thrilled as if I were going to see Sonam Kapoor or Aishwarya Rai at a fashion show.
Hope it turns out well.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Accident In Chennai
There was a train accident today (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Trains-collide-near-Chennai-15-dead-TV-reports/articleshow/9972535.cms). Less than 2 hours ago. The funny thing is the train name is not mentioned.
Don't the relatives of the people concerned need to know?
Global Warming: Impact On Arctic Sea
This is a nice article (http://m.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/article2447616.ece/?maneref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fm%3Fhl%3Den%26gl%3Dus%26client%3Dms-android-fih%26source%3Dandroid-launcher-widget%26action%3Ddevloc%26q%3Darctic%2Bice%2Bmelting%2Bfastest%2Bhindu) on the decrease in the volume of ice in the Arctic Ocean. How at the current rate of depletion in 30 years, there may be no Arctic Ocean left.
When we discovered oil and coal, we were ecstatic. So much energy could be derived from them. Then there was a period of furious growth in science, industry fueled by these. And now we realize that we are destroying the oceans.
How often do we come across this
Wow -> Hmm Nice -> Oh Shit
path in life!
If while at the wow phase, we could look into the "Oh Shit" phase also, would our behavior be different?
Train Pals
I was reminded of the days when I used to travel to work regularly by train. I saw then that the same set of people traveled by the same compartment in the same train each day (well almost, don't expect me to spot them in a police lineup). Well imagine the train compartment meant to carry 50 seated passengers. It would carry a total of 150+ passengers. Some would be singing bhajans, some groups would be playing cards. Playing cards??? Yes.. Groups of 4 would be playing cards. Many times I would not be able to look at my watch because my wrist was somewhere else and not easily accessible. I would try to glance out of the window to see which place we were passing by and that would give me an approximate (+/- 3 minutes) indication of what the time was.
There was many a time when I had a hand in each of my trouser pockets. And then I would panic. Because one of my hands was holding the rod above for support. How then were TWO hands in my two pockets? Which hand was alien? Well in a few minutes I would get the answer. I would get off the train with only my hands, but with my wallet missing (or in case the pickpocket was a nice man, he would leave the wallet and some small change for me to get home).
Those were the days!
Incidentally I found that this Mary Hopkins song was copied from a 1967 Russian song.
Incidentally I found that this Mary Hopkins song was copied from a 1967 Russian song.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Trip To Leh
This is an interesting story I read about a trip to Leh http://www.thehindu.com/life-and-style/travel/article2432001.ece.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Another Terrorist Attack In Delhi
I saw today that there was another attack in Delhi and the Prime Minister (PM) was quoted as saying that it was a cowardly act. And there was an announcement that Rs 4 lacs would be given to each bereaved family. And that Rahul Gandhi was visiting the hospital where the injured and dead were.
It pissed me off. It does not need the head of state to say these things. We can have an automated response which can say the same things. Are these responses the best that one can come up with? What is he (PM) doing about it? How long do we suffer from the different separatist groups operating in the country? What concrete action is being taken?
An article, whose link has been removed now, reflects my mood. "The Pakistan-based Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islami has claimed responsibility for the terror bombing outside the Delhi High Court complex." Now we can expect some cliches from the Pakistan's Prime Minister and their cute foreign minister. "No they were not our people. No they didn't have our official sanction."
Does the average man in Pakistan approve of this? If not, who is behind this? What f***ed up neighbors we have. Yuck.
Updated on 8th Sep 2011: Delhi Chief Minister (CM) demands better security
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Frustrated-Sheila-Dikshit-demands-better-security-for-Delhi/articleshow/9914715.cms. I wonder from whom.
It pissed me off. It does not need the head of state to say these things. We can have an automated response which can say the same things. Are these responses the best that one can come up with? What is he (PM) doing about it? How long do we suffer from the different separatist groups operating in the country? What concrete action is being taken?
An article, whose link has been removed now, reflects my mood. "The Pakistan-based Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islami has claimed responsibility for the terror bombing outside the Delhi High Court complex." Now we can expect some cliches from the Pakistan's Prime Minister and their cute foreign minister. "No they were not our people. No they didn't have our official sanction."
Does the average man in Pakistan approve of this? If not, who is behind this? What f***ed up neighbors we have. Yuck.
Updated on 8th Sep 2011: Delhi Chief Minister (CM) demands better security
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Frustrated-Sheila-Dikshit-demands-better-security-for-Delhi/articleshow/9914715.cms. I wonder from whom.
Interracial/Intercultural Marriages
This is an article (http://in.lifestyle.yahoo.com/when-the-differences-don%E2%80%99t-count.html) about how intercultural marriages are becoming more prevalent.
An Application For A Job
This is a lovely application for a job http://www.funtoosh.com/jokes/office_humor/241.
Another nice one on studying http://www.funtoosh.com/jokes/personality/550
Another nice one on studying http://www.funtoosh.com/jokes/personality/550
Women In The Workforce In India
http://www.livemint.com/2011/09/06225856/India-ranks-worst-in-diversity.html?h=B. Either more women are still housewives or they have not been covered completely.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Amaz(on)ing Growth For Flipkart - India's Online Book Store
I read this article (http://in.finance.yahoo.com/news/Flipkart-gets-jump-Amazon-reuters-2647869305.html) about the Bansals started Flipkart. And that their annual revenue was $11m last year, expecting to reach 100m by this year and $1B by 2015.
Wow. Is this for real?
Update on 25-Aug-2012: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/Cash-strapped-Flipkart-raises-150m/articleshow/15650742.cms Cash strapped and raised $150m. And is it on the road to $1b valuation by 2015?
Update on 26-Apr-2016: http://www.livemint.com/Companies/7zVXid1PdH2YwxKAzVIbaP/Inside-Flipkarts-reversal-of-fortunes.html : Valuation is reduced from $25billion to about $13billion and not making money.
Also this: http://www.livemint.com/Companies/lFfG9DK1q0o5e0G2mt1EbP/Haresh-Chawla-clarifies-his-Flipkart-story.html I don't understand what GMV is, but I do understand one thing. What's revenue growth when you are not making any profits?
Update on 25-Aug-2012: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/Cash-strapped-Flipkart-raises-150m/articleshow/15650742.cms Cash strapped and raised $150m. And is it on the road to $1b valuation by 2015?
Update on 26-Apr-2016: http://www.livemint.com/Companies/7zVXid1PdH2YwxKAzVIbaP/Inside-Flipkarts-reversal-of-fortunes.html : Valuation is reduced from $25billion to about $13billion and not making money.
Also this: http://www.livemint.com/Companies/lFfG9DK1q0o5e0G2mt1EbP/Haresh-Chawla-clarifies-his-Flipkart-story.html I don't understand what GMV is, but I do understand one thing. What's revenue growth when you are not making any profits?
Ranking Of Colleges
Here is the ranking of colleges across the world http://m.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/article2427216.ece/?page=all (also http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2011/09/06/cambridge-beats-harvard-ui-makes-list-best-colleges.html)
Opportunity To Work In Buckingham Palace
Here is an opportunity to work in a palace http://m.economictimes.com/news/news-by-industry/jobs/royal-butler-wanted-for-british-queen/articleshow/9869991.cms.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Rajitha Chaudhuri
I read this link today about a professor (http://www.iipm-india.net/prof-rajita-chaudhuri.html).
What struck me about the article was the first line, that she is the wife of an acclaimed person. While this may be Ok if this was a social column, its completely out of place in a professional website especially when the person (wife) is a professional herself.
Did the school and the lady think that it sounded better to mention her relationship to a better known person (that too, 1st sentence on the page)?
If I were the wife, I would have preferred to not have mentioned it at all. In the school, my primary identity is not as someone else's spouse. I am me.
Typhoon Expected to Hit Railway Station Tomorrow
A friend told me today that her close cousin is traveling from one metro city to another by train. She lives in a city which in en route. She gave me the train name and asked me to check the time when the train would come to her city. She wanted to meet her cousin at the station and give the cousin a suitcase full of goodies.
I told her it was a non stop train and that such trains wouldn't stop at such a small station as the one in her town. She had forgotten that the train was a non stop train.
I gave her a few ideas: She might ask her cousin to inform her the position of the compartment (for example 7th from the engine) and that as the train whizzed by, without stopping, my friend could blow a kiss to her cousin. That is if she could spot her cousin while the train was moving. And maybe my friend could reduce the number of goodies to be given, so they could be packed in a suitcase that was the size of a wallet. She could aim and throw that suitcase and perhaps her cousin would catch it.
I don't think my friend was very happy with my suggestions.
I let my imagination wander. I assumed that my friend still went to the station in the fond hope that the train would make an unscheduled stop.
She would carry a suitcase (large or small depending on how optimistic she is), go to the railway station and ask someone there about the ETA (expected time of arrival) of her cousin's train and the platform (PF) that the train will come in. That person would shake his head sadly and say the train doesn't stop in that station and hence there is no question of the station making any announcement about the arrival of the train.
Now there are women who are soft, docile, gentle and accept fate. My friend isn't such a person. She would start huffing and puffing. I have often seen smoke come out of her ears when she was a little annoyed. Now if the person she asked the question in the station to also happens to tell her that she must buy a PF ticket to get into the station... I wouldn't want to be in that man's shoes.
Her Majesty is usually not accustomed to such bourgeois behavior. She is used to snapping her fingers. And most people including servants, dogs, family members would snap to attention, click their heels (and almost say "Heil Hitler"). She isn't used to being given the run around.
So when she has decided to go to the station and packed a bag full of stuff to give her cousin, small things like the train being non-stop or that in India one has to be either a traveler or have a PF ticket to get inside the station would have little impact on her actions. She would expect people (and non-stop trains) to make an exception for her.
She may be considerate enough to not expect the train to stand on 2 feet to salute her. But you would be insane to expect any more consideration from her.
To all my close friends: here is my advice. Stay far away from that station tomorrow.
Being Indian Is Good
We should be happy that we are Indian (http://in.lifestyle.yahoo.com/why-being-indian-is-good-for-your-health.html).
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Life In Saudi
I liked this article on life in Saudi Arabia:
European Holiday
If you want to go on a European holiday on a tight budget http://m.thehindu.com/life-and-style/metroplus/article2418212.ece/?maneref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fm%3Fhl%3Den%26gl%3Dus%26client%3Dms-android-fih%26source%3Dandroid-launcher-widget%26action%3Ddevloc%26q%3Ditching%2Bto%2Bfly%2Bto%2Beurope%2Bhindu...
Friday, September 2, 2011
Engineering Student Enters Politics
I read the story (http://www.telegraphindia.com/1110902/jsp/bengal/story_14454518.jsp) of a professor of engineering from Jadavpur University who is moving into politics. Wonder what she plans to do for Bengal.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
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Some friends of mine gave me the following links. I am providing the links to the pictures here. http://img.izismile.com/img/img2/2009...
http://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil_nadu/article1402397.ece - Biodata as originally thought of. http://puta.org.in/attachment....
Apparently thanking someone for doing a mundane job makes them even want to do the job as per http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item...
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