A friend sent me this powerpoint yesterday. It was very interesting and I liked it a lot. It has questions on simple geometry. https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B1xQDlpMnLKxMzQ5NmFkMWEtMzMyMy00NTI1LTkzZGEtNWI2ZDBmMDk5Mzdl&authkey=CM-OmsAP&hl=en
Another friend sent me this about the amount that is spent by a family each week on food in different parts of the world. Though I suspect that the data in one slide could be wrong, overall its a very interesting slide deck. Kudos to the man who made the deck. (The text in the first couple of slides is in a European language. Dont worry if you can't understand. Click on to the next slides. They are interesting and you will understand.)
(I am not sure if the cost in California could be half the cost in the Carolinas)
In countries where the weekly expense is lower, people eat more food that don't go through a manufacturing process. The processing (if any) is done at home.